Category: Ear

When To See An ENT For Ear Pain

Otolaryngologist is the medical term for an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. This type of specialist treats many conditions of the ear including hearing impairment, infections, disorders affecting balance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and pain. Let’s learn more about when to see Southern California Ear, Nose & Throat for ear pain.

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How Do I Know If My Eardrum Is Ruptured?

A ruptured or perforated eardrum sounds dreadfully serious. The truth is, in some cases, it can heal on its own and you won’t even know it happened. On the other hand, it is also something to be concerned about as it can present several risks to your hearing. How do I know if my eardrum is ruptured?

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The Connection Between Balance And Hearing Loss

According to a study conducted at John Hopkins, individuals between the ages of 40 and 69 who had mild hearing issues were three times more likely to have reported falling within the last year. If the hearing loss is greater, the risk of falling increases. Both audiologists and physical therapists report the connection between balance and hearing loss.

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